Technical Data

How UVC Lighting Works
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Our UV-C Technology products have been scientifically proven by an independent scientific lab in the USA to kill H1N1 flu (swine flu)!

UV-C Bulb, Chlorine and Ozone Comparison Chart

UV-C Bulb Chlorine Ozone
Disinfection Physics Chemical Chemical
Initial Investment Cost Low Low High
Work Cost Low Middle High
Maintenance Cost Low Middle High
Sterilizing Effect Excellent Good Not Good
Sterilizing Time 1-5 sec 25-45 min 5-10min
Human Bane Very Low Low High
Remain Poisonion Non Have Have
Change water & air Non Can Can

Effectiveness of Germicidal UV Rays

Changes in DNA from UVC light

Changes in DNA from UVC light

Wavelength in Nanometers

Wavelength in Nanometers

UVC Radiation

UVC Radiation

Energy Dosage for UV Irradiation in Micro-organisms

The table below illustrates the amount of UV energy needed (at a radiation of 253.7nm) to inhibit micro-organism growth and to completely destroy the presence of the micro-organism.

Organisms (English Scientific Term) Type Disease Energy dosage of Ultraviolet radiation needed for kill factor (µW/cm2)
Bacillus snbths spores Germ 22,000
Bacteriophage Virus 6,600
Coxsackie yinus Virus The bowel way infects 6,300
Shigella spores Germ Germ dysentery 4,200
Escherichia coli Germ Food poisoning 6,600
Fecal coliform Germ The bowel way infects 6,600
Hepatitis A virus Virus Hepatitis 8,000
Influenza virus Virus Influenza 6,600
Legionella pneumopila Germ Army corps germ disease 12,300
Salmonella typhi Germ Typhoid 7,000
Staphylococcus aureus Germ Food poisoning, poisoned shock and Comprehensive disease, etc 6,600
Streptococcus spores Germ Throat infection 3,800

According to known standards for disinfection, different micro-organisms will have a different killing and death quality value when using UV-C. It can be calculated using the formula as below.

K (disinfectant quantity- μ W Sec/cm2) = I(the strength μ W/cm 2)* t(time-sec)

Based on this formula, it can be seen that either a high strength, short time or a low strength, long time will provide similar disinfection effects.

However, in reality, there are many factors to consider when calculating the amount of UV-C energy required, including air flow, humidity levels, time and distance, making the calculation very difficult. Although this is so, studies have shown that sufficient UV-C frequency is able to kill any micro-organism containing DNA and that the UV-C technology effects are additive.

Efficacy of UV-C Disinfection in Germs and Viruses

Type Organisms 100% Killing Time (Sec.)
Germs Anthrax 0.30
Tubercle Bacillus 0.41
Diphtheria 0.25
Vibrio cholerae 0.64
Tetanus 0.33
Pseudomonas 0.37
Botulin 0.80
Salmonella 0.51
Bacillus 0.15
Typhoid fever 0.41
E. coli (Escherichia coli) 0.36
Typhoid 0.53
Helicobacter pylori 0.20
Shigella 0.28
L.pneumophila 0.20
Staphylcoccus 1.23
Micrococcus 0.4-1.53
Streptococcus 0.45
Virus Adenoviruses 0.10
Fluenza Type 2 0.23
Poliovirus 0.80
Coxsackie virus 0.08
Rotavirus 0.52
Echovirus 0.73
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) 16
Echovzruses 0.75
HBV 0.73
H1N1 0.5
Mold Spores Aspergillus niger 6.67
Ascomycotina 0.33
Aspergillus 0.73-8.80
Penicillium 2.93-0.87
Fungus 8.0
Penicillium chrysogenum virus 2.0-3.33
Mucor 0.23-4.67
Deuteromycetes 0.87
Alge Spirulina 10-40
Paramecium 7.30
Chlorella 0.93
Green algae (Chlorophyta) 1.22
Nematode 3.40
Protozoa 4-6.70
Fish Disease Fungl disease 1.60
Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) 4.0
Vitiligo 2.67
Viral nervous necrosis 1.6